General Information
Zamani & Associates PLLC is metro ranked in 1 practice areas. Best Law Firms rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process.
Read how Best Law Firms ranks firmsMetro Rankings
Washington, D.C.
Tier 1 for Family Law
Highlighted Client Comments
All client comments represent the opinions of the people who provided them. All potential clients are urged to remember that no two cases are ever completely alike and that the result in one case does not guarantee a similar result in another case.
Family Law
Zamani & Associates are not only experts at the law, but they are experts at managing the whole litigation process while keeping an eye on the most important piece of the picture--the family.
Family Law
Zamani & Associates was attentive, thoughtful, and strategic with my difficult, emotional, and lengthy divorce and post-divorce proceedings. I received advice that may not have always been what I wanted to hear but was legally sound and communicated directly and with compassion. They understood the complexity of the issues presented and guided me in making the best possible decision. I appreciate how the attorneys always conducted themselves professionally and with a tremendous amount of patience. They made a difficult time a little bit easier with their help, understanding, and guidance.
Family Law
Zamani & Associates helped me with one of the most difficult things in my life, a child custody issue after I returned overseas. I think some lawyers were leery because it was international and had some complicated issues from strong cultural differences, overseas living complexity with many different countries, work conflict, attempts at restraining orders, diverse family relations and even psychological exams and home studies! I was facing a trial and an unknown chaos of what custody would look like in the midst of all of this. I was given an excellent attorney reference to them after struggling for weeks to find a good attorney. I also am myself an attorney. I read the reviews and was convinced, except they said “holistic,” which is normally is very positive. However, my friends and family recommended an “aggressive” attorney because of the difficulties I faced with my ex and inability to stop them. Zamani & Associates more than lived up to their reviews! I was explained my options clearly, which I thought were not possible. They recommended settlement immediate and indeed settled it quickly as they predicted. I went from a dreaded trial posture and an unlivable living arrangement with my children to obtaining an agreement with a livable arrangement without trial after settlement. What I liked best was their calm demeanor, attention to detail, attempts to follow the client’s wishes balanced with realism and courteous prompt responses from all in their office. I knew it was the right office when I first walked in and met their administrative assistant and other staff. They assist in relationship management, communications and helped me like no other in minimizing difficult interaction with my former partner at settlement meetings and according to my wishes. I valued their personal skills, contacts with other attorneys, and ability to work well with diverse family members. They were not phased by the international, cultural, complex procedural and family web. They always had a common “it can be solved” demeanor. With Zamani & Associates, I did not just engage strong legal minds, but I gained well connected, skilled attorneys familiar with DC courts. They are also effective as a firm on critical financial issues in my case. I previously experienced great time delays from other attorneys without receiving needed advice. The firm also handled billing professionally and reasonably. Their rates and billing process were clear, which was previously another big stressor. This really speaks to their integrity, ethical, and quality as a firm. Zamani & Associates brought relief to my children and family, and even the opposing party appears to be happy. My experience shows how positive a “holistic” approach can be and how important it is for family in conflict. My family circumstances may never be totally easy, but the tools that Zamani & Associates gave me, including books on communication and brushoffs from their constructive attitude, really helped my me and my family.
Andrei Twibell
Regional Rankings
Washington, D.C.
Tier 1 for Family Law
Practice Areas
The below are areas of legal specialty volunteered by the firm and do not designate a specialty in which a Best Law Firms ranking is held.
- Collaborative Law: Family Law
- Family Law
- Family Law Arbitration
- Family Law Mediation
Individuals Recognized in The Best Lawyers in America®
Zamani & Associates PLLC has 1 lawyers recognized for individual performance in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in
By receiving this Best Lawyers recognition from their peers for their professional excellence, these lawyers made Zamani & Associates PLLC eligible for evaluation for Best Law Firms rankings.
For almost two decades, Best Lawyers has awarded these singular accolades, making them the foundation of our Best Law Firms awards.
Read more about our Best Lawyers process here.
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Client Comments
All client comments represent the opinions of the people who provided them. All potential clients are urged to remember that no two cases are ever completely alike and that the result in one case does not guarantee a similar result in another case.
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Main Location
2121 K Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20037
United States
Call our Washington, DC location at 202-510-9112
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Management and Personnel
Managing Principal
Sogand Zamani
Associate Attorney
Jamie Benz